Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The pleasures of caravaning

Only one thing left to do after a hard day, knock some ZZZZZ's out.

Arggghhh!! Bath time courtesy of my Dads sloppy chops!

Ahhh!! Me and my Mum on my third day.

Thats a better picture of my Mum. I think she looks great even after being in hospital 35 hours before I was born.

I can't kiss yet but if I could I would give her a big sloppy milky kiss to say 'Thank You'.

Thats obviously my left foot.

My Dad has told me to practice kicking with both feet as I don't want to be one footed like Ryan Giggs (not sure who he is).

This is in my caravan/incubator. Although I weighed 5lb 101/2 when I was born I had to go into an incubator to help control my body temperature. I had a drip in my hand with glucose in to increase my blood sugar levels and a tube in my nose to feed me. The things on my chest are just probes to check that my breathing and heart rate are ok.

Thats my Mums hand, although I can't really see very well yet I can tell that she is really cute just like me!!!

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