Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday number 2

Its been a long time since I blogged and I must apologise, so its time to get back on it.
Today is an appropriate day to start blogging again as it is the 2nd anniversary of my original due date and also 31 years to the day that the great Elvis Presley allegedly passed away.
As most of you are aware I was born 6 weeks early, so a good place to start catching up is with some pics from my 2nd birthday.

On the morning of my birthday I had lots of presents to open, one really caught my eye, a drum kit from Gran and Grandad Smith. Safe to say my Mum and Dad were well chuffed!!!
It may look like I am playing along to the Tweenies, but in actual fact its I am the Resurrection by The Stone Roses!!!
Can't quite get the last bit of the instrumental bit.
Putting my all into it....come on, lets rock!!!!
Unfortunately the summer sun had left us and it absolutely belted down. So me, my cousin Izzy and my buddy Joseph set up an art group inside.
Cake, you can't beat it....
I am sure that the observant viewers out there may well have noticed that it is exactly the same type of cake as last year, come on Mum and Dad are you trying to force me into football or something. I have no doubt that my Dad will let me make my own decisions when it comes to liking sport or not!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! Happy belated birthday Alfie!!

glad youre finding time to blog again..I 've been wondering what you are up to!

Sarah Vancouver x