Friday, January 18, 2008

Christmas wedding bash

Looking dapper as my Dad's old work friend James gets married at last to his girl Lamees.
Me and my Mum checking for any unclaimed presents.
The happy couple cutting the Marks and Spencer cake!!!
Me enjoying the Marks and Spencer cake!!!
Married bliss!!!

Christmas dinner

A lovely spread laid on at Grandad Edwards.
Mmmmm cream.
Mmmmmm more cream!!!

More Christmas

Looks interesting, what do you do with it?
I'm not the only stumped, Grandad Smith seems to be puzzled too!!!
Me and Granny Smith under the tree.
Gee up, gee up Gran!!!!

Christmas pressies

I got loads of fantastic presents from lots of people. Just wondering what to do with these plastic bricks.
Which one to play with next...decisions, decisions.
My new favourite bedtime book.
Jack in the box....well a dog really.
The question I need to ask my Dad is do I have to do this every year?

Saturday night at the movies

Chillin' with my girl, a film and doesn't get better than this!!!
Hope there are some left.
Someone can shovel the food in, best not to mention those type of things to a lady!!!

Me and my friend

Here are some pictures of me and friend Mia, she has just moved with her mum and dad to Ireland, so I wont be seeing her for a long time. This makes me a bit sad because she only used to live across the road from me.

She likes to play chase....and sometimes I let her catch me!!!
She needs to understand that when she comes around I get the seat!!!
She is very good at magic tricks.....nothing up this sleeve....but what do we have here?
Now thats magic!!!!
Come here and give us a kiss!!!