Sunday, January 28, 2007

Friends Reunited

Met up with two of my friends for a spot of lunch who were my next door neighbours in the Special Care Unit at the hospital. They are called Sam and Ben and were born one day before me on 6th July 2006. I struggle to tell them apart because they are twins. They were both very poorly when they were born but being little battlers they are both doing fine now.

This is their Mum, Linda. She was very brave at the hospital and my Mum often met her at 4 o'clock in the morning looking after the twins while my Mum was looking after me. Both Mums stayed in the Ronald McDonald accomodation at the hospital, I told you about that in one of my earlier posts.

Here I am with Linda and one of the twins (don't ask me which one), just having my knuckles for dessert.
After a tough day catching up on all the progress we have made there was only one thing for it......zzzzzzzz!!!


I had my 1st case of the sniffles last week, not bad considering how old I am.
Anyway the only way to beat it was to try and sleep it out.

Once it cleared up my Dad said I was allowed to put my white United kit on as I had been such a brave boy, I think he just didn't want me to get it covered in green goo!!!

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Working out

Well, still keeping up my New Year resolution of hitting the playgym everyday.
I'm going to ring that bloody ducks neck quacking at all hours of the night. 3 words - crispy duck pancakes!!!
First rule of a workout always know where the camera is!
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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Always know the date

Here is a calender for the new year, its always handy to know the day, date and month, that way you can never forget things like birthdays and anniversaries.
If you want to you can download it for free!!!! Just click 2007 calender

Celebration dinner

Had a visit to the hospital today to check on my progress as the doctors picked up a heart murmur on my last check up. Good news everythings fine so they have discharged me. To celebrate I had some mashed up carrots for din-dins!!

For the record I am now 16lb 2oz, for the europeans thats 7.335Kg and I am 2ft 3in or 68cm long. My dad said thats nearly taller than his friend Gary Kelly!!!

Still prefer my fingers to orange mush though!!!
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Aussie gifts

Received this fantastic blanket for Christmas all the way from Australia. One of my dad's old work friends called Matt Ryan sent it, he also used to work with Colin Allen who is on another of my posts. Matt has just come back from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
Quick quiz.
Starting at the top and moving around clockwise, name all the animals.
Answers on a postcard, winner will receive a cool prize!!!
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Norway minus Maud

Had a quick visit from Maud's mum and dad before they left for Oslo. Enjoyed seeing them but one big Maud!!!!
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United - the worldwide religion

Here are two friends of mine who live in America. Baby Jace and his big brother Ty both support United. They are modeling the kits I sent over for Christmas, dreaming one day of pulling the shirt on for real and running out at Old Dad and Grandad still dream of that!!!
This is Ty's celebration when he scores, not sure baby Jace is too impressed. Guess their dad Joe needs to coach them in the art of celebrating, although my dad said that he never scored in a game in all the time he saw him play!!! In case you were wondering my dad met Jace's & Ty's dad over ten years ago while working on a summer camp called Echo Lake in the USA.
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