Thursday, August 31, 2006

The University boys drop in

Some of my Dad's friends from his University days dropped in from Sheffield and Nottingham today. They sat around discussing feeding times, changing times and baby teeth. They knew so much about it that I think they must have been discussing and learning all these things while at University and probably never went out and enjoyed themselves.
After all the chat we all went out for some lunch.
3 sons of PE Dads!!! Daz and Charlie, Rob and George, Me and my Dad.

Uncle Rob and Uncle Daz swap sons and play guess the weight.

Me and my Mum dining out. For the record she had garlic bread and a Hawaiian Pizza.

George - Rob and Kate's cute fella. I knew he was hungry because when he was in my house he kept putting pebbles in his mouth!!!

Charlie - Darren and Nicola's young 'un. He loves Dairylea sandwiches!!!

My Dads friend from University, Rob Derry. My Dad said that this picture is typical of the time he spent there at the taxpayers expense.

More proud Mums. Kate - George's Mum and Nicola - Charlie's Mum. I got the impression that Kate wasn't keen on having her photo taken.
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Alfie and Isabelle

Two proud mums try a swap out for size.

My cousin Isabelle snuggling up to me.

Not another photo Dad, I'm so bored!!!

Cousin Isabelle looking cute.
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Monday, August 28, 2006

I have a new cousin!!!

Isabelle Lily Smith 28/08/06

My Auntie Nicola gave birth to my cousin today, a little girl with lots of hair called Isabelle Lily Smith. I think my Uncle Gary has just about stopped crying!!! Can't wait to meet her and pass on some tips on when to wake and sleep!!!!

Friday, August 25, 2006

AJ meets FJ

Finley Joe's mum Alison passing on some handy tips, like after feeding hand the baby onto your husband for the wind section.

Finn and his Dad Paul 'Shakey' Gladwell, showing my Dad how to do it.

Heres Uncle Paul showing that it was no fluke with Finn.
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More pass the parcel games

Auntie Mandy getting to grips with me. Everytime she comes round she brings me and my parents lots of presents. One day she will come for a visit with no gifts and feel really bad!!!! It'll happen mark my words!!!!

Auntie Joanne with daughter Bethany. Joanne is now pestering her husband for a son to join her three daughters.

Auntie Joanne's husband Uncle Dave, said he didn't mind borrowing me for a while but wasn't sure about Joanne's plans!!!

Great, Great Auntie May on a pink day.

Great Uncle Dick from Edinburgh, I was kicking and screaming until he got hold of me, it has to be said he is a natural!!!
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Original birth date - Elvis passes away

Today is the day the doctors told my Mum that I would be making an appearance....what do they know!!! It is also the same day that Elvis died in 1977, my Mum says that it is a sign.

I'm piling the weight on now, at the last scales tipping session I was 7lb 9, that was last week though, I will find out tomorrow how much I would have been when the health visitor checks me over. My Mum said that she isn't sure that I would have fit in her belly anymore so it was a good job I decided to show up in time for the World Cup final.

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Boyz in da hood

These are going to be pictures that will come back and haunt me!!! They are bound to be pulled out at lightning speed when I arrive home to introduce a new girlfriend to my parents or in front of friends when I am about 16!

You got to admit though that I do look cute!!!
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I'm not a number I'm a boy!!!!

Here I am with my proud Mum and Dad at Salford Register Office so that I can have my birth put in a big book and be all legal.

After much deliberation my full name is officially Alfie Jack Smith. I think it is a good solid name as my Mum's Grandad was called Alfred and my Dad's Grandad was called....yes you guessed it Jack!!!!

There were lots of other ideas for example; Eric, Morrisson, Tommy, Gustavo to name but a few, so as you can see it could have been a lot worse!!!

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

'Ain't gonna be no rematch'

And in the red corner tipping the scales at 6lb 11oz , with an undefeated record, its Alfie 'duck & weave' Smith!!!

My Great Auntie Liz (the one who gave me such good advice regarding when to wake and when to sleep). My Granny Smith and my Great Uncle Joseph's daughter, Holly.

I guess she is related to me somehow, second cousin twice removed or something like that. If anyone can help me on that one please leave a comment. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dave & Dave

Me, Mum and two of the hardest working light entertainers on the northern working mens club scene.

Two of my Mum's workmates called in with lots of gifts and a food parcel. They are both called Dave which was a little confusing!!!

Pass the parcel

A surprise visit from Norway!!! Maud, Silje and Matt called in, so my Mum and Silje decided to have a game of swapsies.

On the sly I slipped my number to Maud, I fancy myself as a bit of a toyboy!!!!

Two proud Dads and ex members of hot 1990's band Sink, haven't heard them myself but according to Maud's dad they were the next big thing!!!

Soaking up the Smith love

It was time to soak up the love from my Dad's side of the family today.

Grandad Smith who swears that he doesn't like having his photo taken!

Granny Smith wondering why I have a light growing out of my head.

This is me and my Uncle Gary, made me wonder when will I start shaving?

Auntie Nicola getting to grips with in preparation for the delivery of my cousin next month!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Let the fun begin

Yes its happened after nearly 4 weeks kept under lock and key I'm home!!!
I am really excited, can't wait to meet Ruudi and Ole and all the people who have left fantastic messages on this blog.

Here I am getting ready for the journey home

and here I am arriving home with my wonderful Mum.

Getting some much earned TLC!!!

Doing an impression of a caterpillar on my last night in hospital.

Breaking News!!!

I could be home today, I have to have some tests by the doctors and if I pass I will be able to go home at last. My Dad said that if the tests are like GCSE's then I would have no problem as they are much easier than the O'levels that he had to take at school.